Tharunka Makes Some Noise

Meet Me Behind the Mathews Building - A Tharunka X Noise University AU Fanfiction

Tharunka Makes Some Noise

A/N:  Hey guys, sorry for not updating in a week!  I was in the hospital because they discovered a rat-sized parasite in my abdomen and had to remove my ribs 😖Luckily my dad was able to pay for the surgery- the only good thing he’s done since selling me to one direction 🙄I’ll try and post an update later this week!

Meet Me Behind the Mathews Building After Class - N

Tharunka had read the note more times than he could count. At this point, he had become intimately aware of every pen stroke. He could imagine the flick of Noise’s wrist when he crossed his ‘T’; the sweat dripping from his brow. He had to force his mind to refrain from tracing the bead of sweat further down Noise’s jaw, below the collar of his shirt.

This wasn’t the first time Tharunka had stopped himself from fantasising about Noise. In truth, he’d spent more time thinking about the dark-haired boy than focusing on his tutorial. Never in his wildest dreams would he have anticipated Noise’s request to meet with him. 

Noise hadn’t exactly been subtle with his criticisms of Tharunka. Anytime Tharunka contributed to class discussions, Noise would reply with a smirk on his lips; equally threatening and sexy. He was always there to rebut and make Tharunka question his intelligence. Perhaps Noise had requested to see him just to make him squirm outside of the classroom. 

Against his better judgement, Tharunka found himself waiting behind the Matthews building. Fifteen minutes later, Tharunka concluded what he should have long ago; he had been stood up. That was enough humiliation for one day. Of course, Noise would do something like this to embarrass him. Cruel, sly Noise; that was the real him, not the version Tharunka invented in his head.

Tharunka prepared to leave but stopped in his tracks when the dark-haired boy poked his head around the corner. Tharunka’s eyes trailed over his body, absorbing every minuscule detail. Not only was Noise the most handsome man he had ever laid eyes on, but also the most stylish. Tharunka could no longer tell if he wanted to be him or be with him. 

“You’re here,” Noise said, a satisfied grin on his face.

“You’re late,” Tharunka snipped. 

“You don’t look too happy to see me,” Noise said.

Tharunka rolled his eyes. There’s the Noise he knew.

“Why did you call me here?” Tharunka asked.

“I wanted to tell you something,” Noise said, nonchalantly.

“Why couldn't you just tell me in class?” Tharunka protested.

“It’s more private than that,” Noise clarified. 

“And a note wouldn't do?” Tharunka questioned.

“It’s the kind of thing you’d say in person,” Noise clarified.

“The kind of thing you’d make me wait here for half an hour for?” Tharunka asked, clearly annoyed.

“Oh god no. Making you wait was just a bonus,” Noise teased.

“You’re such an asshole,” Tharunka huffed, “Can you just say what you have to and then leave me alone?” 

“Okay fine. Here goes nothing. Tharunka, I like you.” Noise said, his voice softer than usual.

“If you made me wait this long for another one of your dumb pranks-” Tharunka started.

“It’s not a prank. I really mean it,” Noise said, cutting him off.

“You like me? Like romantically?” Tharunka asked, taken aback.

“Tharunka, I’m crazy about you. You’re all I think about,” Noise said, reaching out to brush a tuft of hair behind Tharunka’s ear. 

“Then why are you so mean to me?” Tharunka asked.

“Because,” Noise said, brushing his thumb over Tharunka’s bottom lip, “you look so cute when you’re annoyed.”

Tharunka tried to form words but his tongue wouldn't cooperate. All he could focus on was the boy in front of him; his dark hair and sharp jawline, the bulge of his muscles. He lost himself swimming in the oceans of Noise’s dark eyes. All the hours spent disassociating, dreaming about Noise and this exact scenario, only for him to reciprocate Tharunka’s feelings.

Tharunka didn’t get it. He was not like the other girls. He wasn’t athletic or a cheerleader and never wore a lick of makeup. He would rather stay home than go to a party; if he was invited to a concert he’d rather read a book than dance in the crowd. Worst of all, Tharunka was incredibly clumsy and had caught himself falling over in front of his crush countless times. Despite all of that, Noise still liked him. 

“Tharunka,” Noise asked, “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”

“Can you kiss me?” Tharunka begged, his blue orbs sparkling in the sunlight. 

Noise chuckled before enveloping the other boy’s lips in his own. Tharunka could feel the gay electricity jolt through his body, reaching his lips. There was no easing into it; from the second their lips touched, the kiss was deep and passionate. Noise couldn’t help but nibble on Tharunka’s bottom lip, earning him an embarrassingly desperate whimper. He grinned, resting his hand on the boy's waist and pulling him closer.

Tharunka was finding it hard to keep up and Noise was well aware of it. The second Tharunka parted his lips to breathe, Noise seized the opportunity to slip his tongue into the boy's mouth. He explored the wetness of Tharunka’s mouth with his tongue, noting the sweet taste of every inch. 

When Tharunka finally pulled away, his face was bright red. 

“Is everything okay?” Noise asked, breathlessly.

“I just need a second,” Tharunka said, resting his head on Noise’s chest.

“Do you still want me to never speak to you again?” Noise asked, running his fingers through Tharunka’s hair.

“Shut up,” Tharunakant said, finally pulling Noise into another kiss.

This time, Tharunka was in the driver's seat. His lips were fast and hot, reaching his hands into Noise’s hair to tug at it. This attempt at seizing power didn’t work, with Noise quickly regaining his footing. Tharunka quickly gave up, letting Noise take full control once again. Noise hardened his grip on the boy’s waist moving the kisses down his jaw. The hungry look in Noise’s eyes told Tharunka everything he needed to know. 

“No. Not behind the Mathews building,” Tharunka whined as Noise trailed kisses down his neck, each hotter and wetter than the last. Tharunka firmly tugged Noise’s hair, beckoning him to pull away.

“God you’re so sexy when you do that,” Noise mumbled into his neck.

“We should continue this later,” Tharunka said firmly.

“When?” Noise said, placing a kiss behind the boy’s ear.

“Next April Fools,” Tharunka whispered.

Noise chuckled, realising he had gotten far too carried away. It was unlike him to lose his composure over a boy, especially one as easily dominated as Tharunka.

“I’ll see you then,” Noise smiled.