US Politics
Abortion in Australia
CONTENT WARNING: Discussions of abortion, newborn and infant palliative care and death, and birth trauma
US Politics
CONTENT WARNING: Discussions of abortion, newborn and infant palliative care and death, and birth trauma
As the academic year begins to come to a close, with students scrambling to their few remaining lectures and preparing to cram for their final exams, you would think we would find a similarly stressed energy in this month’s SRC meeting. Beyond the usual anxieties that plague every university
After several weeks of tireless campaigning from eager SRC nominees, the numbers from last week’s polls have finally been counted, and the votes are in. So, here are your SRC office-bearers for 2025! PRESIDENT: Diya Sengupta (365 For SRC) GENERAL SECRETARY: Akash Nagarajan (Together Again) EDUCATION OFFICER: Jamie Tyers
With the SRC election season looming over us like storm clouds foretelling a great flood, you might think the 2024 SRC would be washed away without a second thought. But this week’s meeting – which constituted both their postponed September meeting, and pushed-forward October meeting – proved that this council still
Alice wraps up the July 2024 SRC meeting.
Student Politics
Alice explores the key aspects of UNSW's Student Representative Council.
Global Politics
The Encampment “shuts down”, to the surprise of many still active participants. Despite this, the encampment will continue
Alice reviews the June 2024 SRC meeting.
A summary of the April 2024 SRC meeting.
In their second meeting of the year, the UNSW SRC has endorsed the end of the trimester system.