Arc's priorities Inside Out?
The SRC's posterboards on the Quad have been replaced with promotional material for Disney's upcoming Inside Out sequel.

The Quad, long home to beautiful sunsets, graduation pics, friends, picnics and rushes to classes that started 5 minutes ago, is now brought to you by Disney Pixar. Arc have made room for Disney, with posters for Inside Out 2 lining the walk through the Quad, and taking the prime spots from some other less important posters behind them, something about student representatives and Collectives? We’d investigate further, however, here at Noise we were so captured by the sequel to the hit film Inside Out that we decided not to! New emotions are on the block in Riley's mind HQ, with anxiety and friends shaking up the team we’ve come to love in the original film. Wait anxiety, and like other stuff, maybe Riley really needs a Stress Less Week alpaca visit, well known to cure all mental ailments. With Stress Less Week so far away though, it would be great if an important set of events like Respect Week were coming next week. I wouldn’t know though, all I care about now is how all our emotions are going to be able to ride the emotional rollercoaster of this hit new film, hitting cinemas June 13th!!!!
It makes me even happier that Arc is working alongside Disney to monetize its students' place of study. Particularly after paying my Student Amenities fees, I always worry that the $4 million of SSAF funding simply isn’t enough for Arc. How else could they afford to support students!?!Not to like actually help students in a cost of living crisis, but for our favourite stickers and friendship bracelets. It always brings me joy seeing campus become a big lovely billboard for the likes of Qatar Airways, Big Banks, and NSW Police and more recently Vaseline, CeraVe, Harley Davidson and the fresh face on the sponsor team Disney’s Pixar. Welcome to the team Disney. We can't wait to see your next movie ad hanging from the Scientia building. For now you’ll find me anxiously waiting for the highly anticipated release of Inside Out 2, showing June 13th.